2024. Here we are.

One of my goals is to write on here again. At the moment I am home waiting for the travelling mechanic to come check a recall on my car. It’s snowing and just beautiful outside.

My family is happy and healthy as we head into this new year and that’s really all I can ask for, right? The boys are now 4 and almost 3 years old and they are super sweet and full of energy. It still holds true that in parenthood you cannot get used to anything, because as soon as you get comfortable with one phase something will change and you will be forced into new territory all over again! I suppose that’s part of the fun.

I still cannot believe how quickly the years have gone by. It feels like yesterday I was typing about the joys and challenges of have two under two, and now I have one in preschool and the other will go next year. I love this phase because they are so much more interactive, fun, and independent. Although, I still carry Benny most of the time because he’ll always be my baby. (tear drops down my face, haha)

I have truly enjoyed (for the most part) being home with my kids. I never thought it was something I wanted to do and always maintained that I would need to “have something for myself”. Well, that proved to be kind of challenging with two tiny kids. Until now. As I said before, they have become a lot more independent which leaves me in this weird place of needing to supervise them but not needed to watch and assist with their every move.

So over the summer I took the time to learn more about social media and how to use it for marketing and sales. For so long I have wondered how people use social media to market their businesses, services, and products in an organic way. I took a couple courses and they opened my eyes so much about the world of digital marketing and social media marketing. Doing this really drove home the fact that I was missing having a creative outlet and something just for me.

I decided to build a second Instagram account to practice what I learned, create content, market some of my own digital products, and try my hand at affiliate marketing. It’s been such a learning curve, and at times it’s been overwhelming, but for the most part it’s been fun. When I first started I’d never created a reel before, now I feel proficient. I’d never written a caption that captivated my audience, now I understand the power of the caption. The list goes on. If you’re interested and want to follow along on that journey you can follow my on IG @ashleypaige.athome

On that account I mostly focus on wellness in motherhood, mindset, and making healthy choices through habits and boundaries, not rigidity. My aim is to inspire and help mamas to feel great and provide some solidarity and camaraderie for this challenging season of life. I created a realistic self-care guide that can be downloaded for free. Self-care isn’t always about manicures and massages, a lot of times it’s just about drinking a got cup of coffee or organizing a closet. My free guide has 12 budget-friendly, realistic ideas for caring for yourself.

I will continue to share on this blog as well. Writing is a form of self-care for me so I’m trying to get something onto the page at least once per week. I’d love for you to follow along.

Wishing you all the best in 2024.
Thanks for being here.

My buddies and me during our first snow of 2024!

Good Enough

I am struggling with this one today. How do we get ourselves to believe that we are good enough? When the times get tough, how do remain “in the game” mentally, believing that we have what it takes to be great?

“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they’re yours.”   – Richard Bach

These were my favorite shoes of all time.

These were my favorite shoes of all time.



Learning. It’s what we do. If we are not learning, we are not growing. If we are not challenging ourselves to learn and reach out of our comfort zones we become stagnant and complacent and just keep going through the motions. To avoid the complacency and boredom, we set goals for ourselves. Even if we do not label them goals we have certain aims for our lives; our days; and even our hours.

Last week  Kyle and I were able to spend a total of 5 days with James Fitzgerald and some of his colleagues. Five days of pure learning and reaching. We reached beyond what we knew, or even what we thought we knew. We listened and learned from some of the best minds in our field and put our heads together with colleagues from around the globe.

Can you spot Kyle?

Can you spot Kyle?

We finished our experiences with more knowledge, more drive, and more focus for the business and the people we interact with each day. I left with a thirst for more and an intense desire to better myself and continue to learn. I sent a text message to Kyle at one point, “All of this just makes me want to be better”. At that moment, and still to this moment, I want to be a better coach, a better athlete, a better mentor…daughter…girlfriend…student. Each day I strive to inspire people. It was great to have the roles reversed and to have the experience of being inspired. To be the best you have to learn from the best!

Can you spot Ashley?

Can you spot Ashley?

I cannot wait for the next opportunity I have to reach outside of my comfort zone and to truly be inspired and learn so much. I’m sure it won’t be too far down the road. In fact, I learn a lot every single day when I work with people. By noticing what is going on around me I am learning and thinking of ways to be better. That is something that we can all do. Next time you’re out and about try to actually notice what is going on around you. How are people moving around a space? What are they saying, or not saying? What is their body language like? You can learn a lot from noticing. Next time you are with someone make sure you are actually listening when they speak so that you are truly hearing what they are saying. How many times have you left a conversation and forgotten details or even forgotten the entire conversation? It’s little things like this that make us better people – people that others seek out an want to be around.

Getting there, slowly…but surely. Cheers!